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#Coronatherapy March 24th, 2020

KSCF Notes

  • Check your emails to learn about our Community Whiteboard. BW and at-home programming.

  • We are also having a #SweatySelfie contest. Post your workout or post-workout vids/pics and tag our handle with the proper hashtags and get credit on our Whiteboard.

  • Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf . We will be posting a lot more content during this time period so all understand how to complete each movement.

  • We will also be posting some universal warm-ups for you to add into your routines

  • Find the Whiteboard here!

  • KSCField Day coming this spring

  • "Murph" Memorial Day WOD at KSCF

At-Home WOD

"Merry Go-Round

AMRAP 35 mins

400m Run

15 Burpees

15 BackPack (BP) Bent Over Row

12 Burpees

20 Goblet BP Alt. Lunges

9 Burpees

20 BP Russian Twists

6 Burpees

15 BP Thrusters

BackPack or 'BP' is what we are going to use as one of our main At-Home tools. You will load and unload this bag with books, water bottles, children, or dishes in order to weight it at a manner that challenges you. Note that BP stands for Backpack in this at-home programming

You can use children or other manageable weighted objects to weight your movements during these exercises. Be sure it is weighted evenly and stuff a jacket or sweatshirt in it to hold your weighted objects solid so they aren't moving around too much

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