1 RM Testing Schedule
This week we will begin testing our 1 RM in various lifts. This will progress over a period of several weeks. PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO FIND YOUR 1 RM SO YOU CAN USE THESE IN OUR FUTURE PROGRAMMING. You'll want to record these numbers for reference in the near future.
KSCF Notes
This Saturday we will begin our member-led skills sessions!! 11 am on Saturday will be a rowing session led by Neeko. Check our private FB group or the whiteboard in the box to learn more.
Evening classes will be modified in the near future once we lay out our coaching schedule.

Bench Press
In 15 minutes, find 1 RM
"Hey, How You Doin'?"
Complete 4 Rounds
6 Ring Dips
12 Alt. DB Renegade Rows
6 Wtd DB Sit-Up
Rx: 50/35
L3: 45/30
L2: 40/25
L1: 35/20