New Year's Schedule
We will have a modified schedule this week during New Year's. Take a look and modify as needed.
Additionally, check your emails and get back about our 2020 KSCFaceOff coming this February. This is an in-house competition suitable for all fitness levels. Email me back if you'd like to be a part of it.

This Week's Programming
T: Accessory and Short WOD
W: 12 pm class- partner endurance WOD
Th: Endurance WOD
F: Free-Day of CVHIFT
Back Squat
3x5 @75%
3-3-2-2 (building in weight)
AMRAP 11 mins
8 Handstand Push-Ups
16 Toes to Bar
32 Double Unders
Last completed in November 2018. This workout was designed by Adara Tuck our former KSCF coach and Gymnastics coach.
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