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Monday, May 3rd, 2021 WOD

May Member of the Month

This month we recognize Kester Barrow who was nominated and selected as our May Member of the Month. Congrats to, KB!!

Kester has spread his KSCF love over the entire schedule but you will likely see him at a lunch or evening class through the week. Kester has been apart of KSCF for many years and has been by our side to help with our community events and helped us evolve as a culture. Be sure to recognize Kester the next time you see him in the box.

What is your athletic background?

  • My athletic background is a hodge-podge of team sports and pick-up games throughout high school and college. I was never truly great at any one thing, but I love the community vibe built into athletics and I had a lot of fun. I always bring a willingness to try. This is why I’ve stuck with CrossFit. I love that your fellow athletes push you and offer tips to improve.

How did you find CrossFit?

  • I started CrossFit in 2018. I found running 2 years prior, and I wanted something else to help me find balance. A co-worker introduced me to KSCF, and it has been my fitness home ever since.

What is your Favorite WOD?

  • I really like the Murph prep WODs and the longer partner Saturday WODs. Cleans are fun too :)

What is your least favorite movement?

  • Overhead Squats suckkkkkk! My creaky joints don’t want to cooperate.

What do you consume Post-WOD for recovery?

  • Post-WOD, I have a piece of fruit or a protein bar. I always wash it down with a bottle of water. I’m open to ideas. Send along any meal tips.

What are your hobbies outside of CrossFit

  • I love to travel whether it’s a local trip or an international destination. I can’t wait to do it more as the world re-opens. I also love investing my time and energies in my community. I spend time working with Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Do you have any specific goals you are trying to attain?

  • I really want to improve my double-unders aka string more than 8 DUs together.

This Week's Programming

  • Tue: Murph Prep

  • Wed: Core Accessory Strength

  • Thu: HSPU

  • Fri: Bench Press and Murph Prep

KSCF Notes

  • Shoe Donations. Bring in your used shoes to drop-off outside our box.

  • Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .


Back Squat

In 8 mins, complete 4 sets of 2 bottom-half reps


Take the heaviest weight and complete 3 sets of 3 reps


"Up and Down"

AMRAP 9 mins


Burpee Box Jump (24/20)

1-arm Clean & Jerk (50/35)

L3: 45/30

L2: 40/25

L1: 35/20

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