Week 3 of the 2020 CrossFIt Open
Follow this link to test your fitness in the 2020 CrossFit Open! This year we have 27 people sign-up and participate for the CF Open. You can still sign-up join our KSCF team to test your fitness!
Friday Night Lights: Every Friday we will be getting together as a Box to complete the current CrossFit Open workout of the week. This is a great environment where we get our comrades together and push ourselves and encourage eachother. Every Friday night starting at 5:30 pm during the Open.
This Weeks Programming
Tuesday: Bench Press
Wednesday: Inverted work, interval WOD
Thursday: Accessory Strength, general conditioning
Friday: 20.3!!
Current planned FNL Locations
October 25th: World Of Beer
November 1st: Hallo’W’Earls: Assembly Square, Earls.... Maybe 😬
November 8th: Jillian’s

Glide Kip Drill
4 Rounds:
3-5 Strict Muscle Ups
max sec Shoulder stand hold
3-5 Ring Dips
5 Rounds:
20/15 Calorie Row
10 Thrusters (115/75)
L3: 105/65
L2: 95/55
L1: 75/45