1 Rep Max Testing Weeks
Over the next 2-3 weeks we will be testing our 1 Rep Max to use in our future strength cycles. If you are unable to make it to the classes where we test these 1 RMs I strongly recommend you take time to test these on your own. Below are some bullets to help guide when you test in the Box on your own.
Use 15 mins to find your 1 RM
You can complete 1 weighted warm-up set but all sets building up to 1 RM are part of the 15-min clock.
Use large jumps on your first 2-3 sets to get up to a challenging weight before you make smaller weight jumps.
Warm-up rep sets: 8-5-4-3-1-1-1...
When getting close to your max, make your attempt sets no more than 3 attempts.
This Week's Strength Schedule
Tues: Deadlift 1 RM
Wed: 9/11 memorial endurance WOD
Thurs: Snatch 1 RM
Fri: High Intensity Interval WOD
Back Squat 1 RM
- Use 15 mins to find 1 RM
AMRAP 10 minutes
30 Double-unders
15 Power snatches (75/55)