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Saturday, February 26th, 2022 WOD

Friday Night Lights (Extended version)

We had a good amount of KSCFam show up through the snowstorm but if anyone else wants in on the workout you can come in today to get it on with some of the others. We'll be running our normal class schedule but the workout will be able to be done alongside anyone who wants to make it in during that time. If you can wait until 11 am or so to complete the WOD you'll have a great opportunity to complete it.

Good luck to all getting 22.1 in today.

KSCF Notes


"Radioactive Cindy"

In teams of 2-3

*One partner completes a round while other partner rests

Complete 6 rounds of strict "Cindy"


Complete 4 rounds of C2B "Cindy"


Complete 6 rounds of TTB "Cindy"

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