KSCF Notes
An email was sent out on 4/12 with all our Zoom links for classes. Currently, Mon and Wed at 6pm, Saturday's at 10 am
You can help support our #KSCFam and the KSCF culture and sign-up for the Support Your Local Box fundraiser.
Find our Community Whiteboard here!. BW and at-home programming.
We are also having a #SweatySelfie contest. Post your workout or post-workout vids/pics and tag our handle with the proper hashtags and get credit on our Whiteboard.
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf . We will be posting a lot more content during this time period so all understand how to complete each movement.
"Murph" Memorial Day WOD at KSCF (hopefully)
At-Home WOD
Complete 4 Rounds
30a work 15s rest
Odd-Object (OO) Alt. Lateral Lunge
OO Reverse Shoulder Flyes
Front Foot Elevated Split Squat (30s/leg)
Star Plank Holds (30s/sde)
Extra Credit
AMRAP 3 mins
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Plank w/knees to elbows
10 Windshield Washers