21.3 Announcement at 3 pm today!
This week's final workout announcement will be a 3 pm today to accommodate to the European athletes. Keep your eyes peeled for Friday's WOD Thursday afternoon.
I suspect we have a 4 movement Chipper style WOD. Get''yo'self READY!!!!
This Week's Programming
Fri: Final CF Open 21.3 WOD
KSCF Notes
Sunday morning 10 am classes are back!
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .

Workout A
40/30 Cal Row
AMRAP 7 mins
50 m Shuttle Sprint
10 MB Slams
10 Alternating MB Rotational Throws
Workout B
1100m Run
Complete 4 Rounds
10 Alt Renegade Rows (50/35)
8 DB Hang Power Cleans
50' Farmers Walks
2-min Center Plank Hold