August Member of the Month
This month our well known athlete, Tayisha Examond, was selected as our August MOM. Tayisha is one of the friendliest KSCFam during our evening class schedule and those who have been around her know her infectious care for others. We always know she's stronger than most athletes at the box and is always pushing herself to be a better athlete even with the challenges it presents. I'd say to give her props when you see her in the box but she was gone for over a week vacation at the beginning of the month and she's leaving today for another vacation out of the country. You may have to wait until September to give her daps on being our August, MOM. Learn a bit more about Tay below.
My athletic background is varied I grew up playing basketball and other sports as well, but I have played basketball the longest. Whether it’s been travel AAU or a club team I have always liked the sport. The sport was something that first taught me about coordination, endurance, and agility. Volleyball and lacrosse soon followed.
I found CrossFit through the KSCF. One day I walked into the box after my workout in the gym and was interested in knowing what was behind the door. When I walked in, I noticed the pullup bars and wanted to know why there was a separate section closed off from the gym. As I started to do some exercises in the gym Jared came out of the office and basically kicked me out letting me know it was a private box for CrossFit. The interaction I had with Jared was the first time I have ever heard about CrossFit. Ever since I started working out in the box it has taught me a lot about support, dedication, and failure. In general, just being proud of the milestones you have made and how that can motivate you.
My favorite WODS are workouts that are longer and have heavy barbells, wall balls or running (to a degree). My least favorite movements are anything with snatches or burpees. Burpees where a movement that were given as a punishment from my teams, so grew to not like them too much. My go to post-WOD food especially after doing burpees is a spinach smoothie with some peanuts.
Outside of CrossFit, I love to travel, eat, read, do outdoor activities, etc.
My specific goals are to stay healthy and maintain a steady progress on my lifts. Also, become more flexible in terms with good mobility and technique.
This Week's Programming
Thu: Accessory Strength
Fri: Back Squat
KSCF Notes
Shoe Donations. Bring in your used shoes to drop-off outside our box.
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .
Using 18 minutes of working time:
3x3 @ 75-80%
Use 10 mins to find heavy 2 Rep set for the day
"Free to be Dead"
AMRAP 8 mins
Wall Balls (20/14)
*On the Minute (starting at 1:00)
4 Deadlifts (60% 1 RM)
Score = Total # of Wall Balls
L3: 55% 1 RM
L2: 50%
L1: 45%