Brian Orecchio
I grew up playing a variety of sports through high school and college with the main one being lacrosse. I played one year on the team at RPI where I did my undergrad work but never really excelled at that level. I’ve dabbled in men’s league hockey before and want to get that going again at some point. I enjoy running in addition to CrossFit for fitness.
Before joining KSCF, I would regularly do weight training on my own at CAC but of course, I skipped leg day half of the weeks (yes there was only a single day for any sort of squat) and my form on most lifts wasn’t great. My Dad does CrossFit too and it was life-changing for him so one day after a particularly lame lifting session, I decided to sign up for the next demo class and I’ve been loving it ever since.
My favorite WODs are ones that combine some running and body weight movements like Murph. I only recently have started to string a couple of DUs together so I still don’t like when WODs include those but hopefully that changes soon. After a workout, it’s usually dinner for me and I love inhaling a chicken rice plate from Aceituna next door. When I’m not doing fitness or writing software for Amazon, I’m typically enjoying the outdoors or hanging out enjoying craft beer and watching Boston sports. Some friends and I just got season tickets for the Celtics next year so hit me up if you want to see a game!
My main goal this year is to increase my flexibility/lower body strength so I can perform better on barbell movements, particularly overhead squats and squat snatches.
Kate Keough
Athletic Background: I wasn't much of an athlete growing up. While I dabbled in volleyball and softball in high school, I never took fitness very seriously until I was in my 20s.
How I found CrossFit: It wasn't until I was at my first start-up that I really sought after something to help balance the long hours in the office. It just so happened that the first box I joined also happened to share company with Mat Fraser in Burlington, VT. I found it so inspiring that you could compete against athletes from all over the world- it's probably the only time where you'd get excited about coming in 25,000th place. Plus with everything else I was juggling, I needed something where I could just show up without any thinking and get my ass handed to me- I found such a huge benefit in Crossfit helping manage my high stress at work.
Favorite WOD: I can push myself pretty consistently over time, so have an affection for the 20+ minute WODs, especially if there's a mix of weights and cardio. While I might not always appreciate it in the middle of it, I find the "post-WOD high" pretty gratifying. Least favorite movements: I've always struggled to get my upper body strength in line, so anything that requires hanging on the bar has been a struggle.
Post WOD snack: Perfect Keto Almond Brownie bar. Delicious.
Hobbies outside of CrossFit: I'm a bit of a nerd, so don't have much of a life right now outside of my start-up and Crossfit. That said, I do try to travel at least a couple of times a year. Fav spots include Bali, Vietnam, and New Zealand.
Goals in the gym: I'm telling you, 2019 is my year for pull-ups. I'm determined to get my shoulder back in good health, and really pushing to get after the bar.
Piotr Kala
Athletic Background: Most of my life I have been playing basketball. Then I decided to do something more individual so I started going to the gym. After I saw CrossFit I knew I wanted to be a part of a group that works hard towards great goal - be better than the day before.
How I found CrossFit: CrossFit was pretty popular in Krakow (Poland). Me and my friend went to check it out and I loved it ever since.
Favorite WOD: The less cardio the better. I pretty much like all the wods with a barbell and with more difficult moves like HSPU or MU.
Least favorite movements: I definitely hate most cardio movements. I am pretty much bored after 2 burpees.
Post WOD Snack: Scrambled banana eggs [5 eggs, 2 bananas]
(However after eating that for 2 years I kinda think it is disgusting now : ( )
Hobbies outside of CrossFit: No parties since it is bad for training! Only chess, Warcraft 3, Netflix and programming.
Goals in the gym: Be as strong as a bear.
Zach WIlliams
Growing up, sports were a big part of my life - whether it was refereeing the local soccer game, dribbling down the court, or practicing for the big baseball game with my dad, playing ball was something core to my family. When I turned 10 years old, however, my life took a major turn. I learned of a medical condition that would prevent me from participating in many sports for the rest of my life (not that I was ever picked first for any team I was on...). At that point, I switched gears and started filling my time with other activities like choir or finding other ways to hang out with friends. For the next 15 years, I would never do anything more than the occasional 5k with friends or light individual workouts at the gym.
And then about a year and a half ago, my friend from work invited me to try out Crossfit with her (surprisingly, my doctor was ok with it) - I immediately fell in love (wall balls excepted). Since KSCF was right across the street from my office, I decided to try out the intro class. One thing led to another, and here I found myself dying with the morning class through an open style workout! (Good thing I didn't learn about the open until much later...) The past couple of years have resulted in a lot of firsts for me that my 10 year-old self would have never believed - you should have seen the grin on my face the first time I strung two double unders together, or the time I did a hand stand push up without 4 ab-mats underneath me. KSCF has been an incredible experience for me and is one of the reasons Boston has become my true home. I look forward to accomplishing many more firsts with the KSCFam this year and many years to come!