Due to Winter Storm Garrett we will not be holding the 6 & 7:15 am classes. All other classes are on as scheduled.
RPM 10k Challenge
Join our @KendallSquareCF team to practice your skills and raise money for a charity. It helps one of our partners FYR or Forging Youth Resilience (Formerly Steve's Club) and is for a great cause. Register Here!!
This is a great way to practice your jump rope skills and improve your DUs
We have RPM brand coupon codes worth $25 off a new rope.
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO 10K DOUBLE UNDERS. This is meant to raise money and support a cause while accumulating as many DUs or SIngle Unders as we can as a KSCF team.
KSCF Notes
Join our team @KendallSquareCF in our 10k Challenge Fundraiser here.
MASK MANDATE is in effect. Please wear a mask
Shoe Donations. Bring in your used shoes to drop-off outside our box.
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .
Complete 3 Sets
I) 3-5 Ice Cream Makers
II) 5 Strict Ring Dips
"Skeletor Hands"
Complete 4 Rounds
50" DB Walking Lunges
10 DB Shoulder to Overhead
12 DB Renegade Rows
*Every 90 seconds that pass, 2 DB Clusters
Rx: 50/35
L3: 45/30
L2: 40/25
L1: 35/20