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Monday, February 21st, 2022 WOD

Friday Night Lights

We're just more than a week out of the first CrossFit Open workout. This starts our 3 weeks of Friday Night Lights. The challenge, resilience, personal barriers broken, and camaraderie built through these weeks is memorable and impactful. Join our KSCF Open Team and come test your personal fitness barriers on Friday Nights.

This Week's Programming

  • Tue: Shoulder to OH/Open Prep WOD

  • Wed: Endurance low-stress WOD

  • Thu: Rest day or Partner WOD day for those who come

  • Fri: 22.1 Open WOD

KSCF Notes

The results of high-volume Pull-Up bar work


Muscle-Up Drills



6 Rounds:

25 Double Unders

5, 1-arm DB Devils Press (50/35)

25 Double Unders

5 Bar Muscle-ups

Time Cap = 12 Minutes

L3: 45/30

L2: 40/25

L1: 35/20

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