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Monday, January 25th, 2021 WOD

There's still time to donate

Regardless if you are completing any Jump Rope reps in our fundraiser, you can still be apart of supporting Steve's Club and helping inner-city youth get into fitness. Please help Kendall Square CrossFIt give back to our communities. The link to sign-up is here.

This Week's Programming

  • Tue: Endurance WOD

  • Wed: Your guess is as good as mine

  • Thu: Interval WOD

  • Fri: Kipping & MU drills

KSCF Notes


Hang Snatch

3 sets of 2 Reps (starting at 70%)


5 sets of 2 (building to technical 2 rep)


"Below Freezing"

AMRAP 10 mins

20 Wall Balls (20/14)

15 Deadlifts (245/175)

L3: 225/155

L2: 205/135

L1: 185/115

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