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Tuesday, March 14th, 2023 WOD

As of now all classes will be on during this current Nor'easter. Tomorrow afternoon when things pick up we'll assess whether we keep the evening classes on or not. As of right now, the predictions for our area aren't going to be more than a couple of inches into Wednesday. It's possible the Wednesday morning classes are canceled due to the storm and travel in but the gym will likely be open. Keep your eyes peeled to this page, CAC & KSCF IG, and our FB Group.

This Week's Programming

  • Wed: Accessory Strength

  • Thu: Interval WOD

  • Fri: Deadlifts

KSCF Notes

Undercover snapshot


Snatch Complex

In 17 minutes complete

Snatch + Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat

  • 3 sets of 1+1+1

  • 3 sets of 1+2+1

  • 3 sets of 1+1+2


AMRAP 16 minutes

30/24 Cal Row or Bike

25 Air Squats

20 Ring Rows

15 Ring Dips

20/15 Cal Row or Bike

25 Push-Ups

20 Wall Balls (20/14)

15 MB Slams (Same MB)

*Feel free to wear a weighted vest

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