1 RM Testing and Programming Schedule
If you're unable to make it to our classes to test your 1 Rep Max, we recommend you try to do so on your own. These can be challenging but the idea is to have a guide of nearly how much you can lift so we can use percentages in order to build overall strength.
When you are approaching your 1 RM, we suggest using 3-5 warm-up sets depending on how high of weight you need to climb. We want to keep the reps between 2-5 to conserve energy but prepare the Nervous System for the stimulus. Thing that you'll use ~3 attempts to find your 1 RM. Set 1 should be slightly below their 1 RM (3-8% less than your suspected 1 RM). Set 2 should be at or slightly above your suspected 1 RM. Set 3 should be anywhere you feel like going depending on how sets 1 and 2 went. Ideally, you hit another PR but if you miss attempt 2 you may need to back off a bit or remain the same. There will be variations here as to how many attempts you try but after a certain number of attempts your nervous system may not be able to respond to this near max or max load. Good Luck!
5/6: Clean
5/7: ~ 3/4 of Murph volume
5/8: Deadlift
5/9: Press
5/10: Short WOD then Back Squat
5/13: Snatch
5/14: Bench Press
5/15: Front Squat
5/16: NA
5/17: Push Press & Push Jerk
Gymnastics Programming
Handstands: HSPU (strict/kipping), HS walking, pirouettes, etc
Partner EMOM tonight!
KSCF Notes
Keep your diet in check and give yourself more free time. Get your Nutre Meals Here. Be sure to use the code KSCFam at checkout for 40% off your first order
Track your health and recovery with our KSCF WHOOP team here
Shoe Donations. Bring in your used shoes to drop-off outside our box.
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf
Complete for Time:
Run 1 Mile
75 Pull-Ups
150 Push-Ups
225 Squats
Run 800 meters
*Wear vest if performing Murph with vest
** Break up reps of sets as desired