Join us on October 14th to help add in some hormetic stress and recover from a #SoulCrushingSaturday with an Ice Bath. We'll have Rachel Lee present and leading us through breathing and additional stress relieving techniques during your dip. Follow this link to hold your spot in advance or sign-up while you're there.
Some known and studied benefits to cold therapy:
Increase Dopamine output
Increased metabolic rate: helping your body convert white fat into brown fat which can help increase Leptin levels
Reduce systemic inflammation
Improve VO2 Max

This Week's Programming
Thu: 1 RM Push Jerk
Fri: Open day of programming. Likely Accessory/Gymnastics Skill/Strength with a WOD
KSCF Notes
Keep your diet in check and give yourself more free time. Get your Nutre Meals Here. Be sure to use the KSCFam code at checkout for 40% off your first order
Weightlifting classes are back on Fridays
Track your health and recovery with our KSCF WHOOP team here
Shoe Donations. Bring in your used shoes to drop-off outside our box.
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .
I) BB Bent Over Row: 7-7-5-5-3-3
II) SL RDL: 4 sets of 6-8/leg
"Hulk Hands"
AMRAP 15 mintues
3 Rope Climbs
6/9 Cal Ski
12 Renegade Rows (55/40)
15 KBS (53/35)