KSCF Notes
Check your emails to learn about our Community Whiteboard. BW and at-home programming starts TODAY!!!
We are also having a #SweatySelfie contest as well. Post your workout or post-workout vids and take our handle with the proper hashtags and get credit on our Whiteboard.
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf . We will be posting a lot more content during this time period so all understand how to complete each movement.
We will also be posting some universal warm-ups for you to add into your routines
KSCField Day coming this spring
"Murph" Memorial Day WOD at KSCF

At-Home WOD
"Mall Walker"
AMRAP 25 mins
Broad Jumps
Walking Lunges
Burpee Broad Jumps
Bear Crawls
Run 400m (or 90sec-3 mins of consistent moving to keep HR up)
*All exercises are for 25-yard distance outside of the run