2020 CrossFit Open
If you have signed up for the CrossFit Open be sure to submit your score before 8pm tonight!!
Follow this link to test your fitness in the 2020 CrossFit Open! This year we have 27 people sign-up and participate for the CF Open. You can still sign-up and enter your score if you completed 20.1 as late as 8 pm est. Join our KSCF team and test your fitness!
Friday Night Lights: Every Friday we will be getting together as a Box to complete the current CrossFit Open workout of the week. This is a great environment where we get our comrades together and push ourselves and encourage eachother. Every Friday night starting at 5:30 pm during the Open.
Friday programming will be the CF Open workout for the next 5 weeks. All can complete it regardless if you signed up for the Open.
Current planned FNL Locations
October 18th: Catalyst
October 25th: World Of Beer
November 1st: Hallo’W’Earls: Back Bay, Earls.
November 8th: Jillian’s
This Week's Schedule
Tuesday: HSPU work
Wed: Interval WOD
Thurs: Accessory Str + general conditioning WOD
Friday: 20.1

EMOM 12 min:
10-15s Front Lever Hold / 5x Scaled Version
5 Snatch grip DL
5-10 Toes to Bar for Technique
2 Push Presses (135/95)
2 Toes to Bar
2 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
4 Push Presses (135/95)
4 Toes to Bar
4 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
*Up by (2’s) until time completion
L3: 115/75
L2: 105/65
L1: 95/55