This Week's Programming
Tue: Partner Endurance
Wed: Gymnastics Strength and unplanned WOD
Thu: Clean and Jerk
Fri: Beach Accessory work and medium length WOD
KSCF Notes
Shoe Donations. Bring in your used shoes to drop-off outside our box.
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .
Front Squat
In 15 Mins Complete
2x3 @75%
2x3 @ 80%
3x1-3 @ >80%
"Spinach Power"
AMRAP 9 mins
14 Toes to Bar
20 KB Swing
50' 1-Arm Overhead Walking KB Lunge
Rx: 53/35
L3: 44/26
L2: 35/18
L1: 26/10