November Member of the Month
Our newest, one of the kindest, and certainly deserved addition to the Member of the Month club is Gavin Piester (Pee-ster). You'll find Gavin as part of the 6 am crew where they've recently nicknamed him Piester The Beaster. Gavin has become a consistent part of our morning classes and you'll know it when you meet him as he is warming and will always provide help when you need it. His persistence to persevere through his physical and mental barriers have helped set new achievements at KSCF. And when us coaches need a little technical help when coaching rowing techniques, Gavin's there to help the KSCFam.
When you see Gavin give him a high-five or maybe ask him for some technical tips. Learn a bit more about him below. Congratulations, Gavin.
I came into CrossFit from 6 years of competitive rowing. Growing up I was not very athletic, but finding community in my teammates and learning to really use my body has made fitness one of the most important aspects of my life. I first dabbled in a CrossFit box during a summer of college prompted by one of my teammates. Though intimidated by the lifts, I clicked with the intensity of the workouts and the need to always be focusing on form to improve. I then circled back to CrossFit after graduating college both while working and then again when starting medical school.
For WODs, anything that involves erging is a clear favorite, though I do find kipping pull-ups and handstand push-ups very satisfying. My least favorite movement is overhead squats. It’s tough to see such light weight make me hurt so much. After a workout, I’ve been going for protein banana peanut butter smoothies. If you ask nicely, I’ll share my recipe.
My current CrossFit goals are to get solid double unders and string together toes to bars for workouts. In the next year, I’d really like to see myself Rx >80% of workouts, both with the proper movements and weights. Long term, I want to stay fit, flexible, and fast. Outside of workouts, I do love to go on runs, especially along the Charles river when it’s nice outside. I also play trumpet in the Kendall Square Orchestra and would say that music is another big aspect of my life.
This Week's Programming
Fri: Push Press (for reals this week)
KSCF Notes
Keep your diet in check and give yourself more free time. Get your Nutre Meals Here. Be sure to use the code KSCFam at checkout for 40% off your first order
Gymnastics Classes coming soon!!
Track your health and recovery with our KSCF WHOOP team here
Shoe Donations. Bring in your used shoes to drop-off outside our box.
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .
Kipping Drills
3 reps of 3-5 sec eccentric pull up (super set) + 2 x 8 banded lat pull down
if standing lat pull down too easy drop to knees or hollow hold
2 x 8 banded kip drill with band behind shoulder blades
AMRAP 15 mins
*Increase reps by 2 every Round
2 Muscle-Ups
4 Wall Balls (20/14)
6 Cal Row/Bike/Ski
L3: 50/35
L2: 45/30
L1: 40/25