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Monday, September 23rd, 2024 WOD

1 Rep Max Testing Schedule

We start our Fall 1 RM testing this week and it will stretch into a 3rd week of testing. This means we'll be shaping our programming on this testing and we encourage you to find a near max weight so you can use this load in our programming.

When you are approaching your 1 RM, I generally suggest using 3 attempts to hit a max or near max rep attempts. Set 1 should be slightly below (3-8% less than suspected 1 RM) their 1 RM. Set 2 should be at or slightly above their suspected 1 RM. Set 3 should be anywhere they feel like going depending on how sets 1 and 2 went. Ideally, you hit another PR but if you miss attempt 2 you may need to back off a bit or remain the same.


This Week of Programming

  • Tue: Clean 1 RM

  • Wed: No 1 RM, longer WOD

  • Thu: Front Squat 1 RM

  • Fri: Strict Pull-Up 1 RM

KSCF Notes


In 16 minutes,

1 RM Press


"Up the Middle"

Complete 4 Rounds

12 Toes to Bar

10 Double DB Hang Power Snatch

200' Farmer's Walk

Rx: 45/30

L3: 40/25

L2: 35/20

L1: 30/15

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