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Thursday, January 7th, 2021 WOD

January Member of the Month

Our deserved member, Deeksha, has been selected as January's KSCF MOM!! Let her know you're proud of her the next time you see her in class. Read a bit about Deeksha's fitness life.

What is your athletic background?

I wanna say none, for most of my life, I did not stay consistent with any activity, was terrible at sports, and never went to a gym. Probably just ran a bit and did some yoga. But, After I came to the US(3 years ago) I started going to the university gym, and mostly worked out on those machines.. and occasionally did some cardio.

How did you find CrossFit?

After I graduated, I was looking to join some classes for fitness.. was looking at boxing places actually, but then one of my friends suggested that I try CrossFit. I did not know of CrossFit then. He just told me that it's challenging and fun. So I thought I'll give it a try! I simply googled for CrossFit places in Cambridge/Somerville and KSCF had the best reviews and ratings, and so I joined here

What is your Favorite WOD?

Any WOD with a barbell is fun! I like most WODs with cleans, snatches, and handstand push-ups.

What is your least favorite movement?

Wallballs... I find them exhausting

What do you consume Post-WOD for recovery?

Avocado toast with scrambled eggs are my favorite!

What are your hobbies outside of CrossFit?

Outside CrossFit, I practice yoga and enjoy hiking. I also love watching sci-fi TV shows

Do you have any specific goals you are trying to attain?

Yes! Wanna keep working on all the gymnastics movements, specifically, the Handstand holds and Kipping movements (pull-ups and Chest to bars).

Forward Spine & Sport Core Stability & Breathing Workshop

  • Our friends at FSS, Steve and Bryan, are going to begin a 4-week clinic focusing on moving from the core to extremities starting on Sunday, January 10th.

  • The flier attached explains a bit more of what you can expect through this weekly sequence. This will be a more applicable clinic than the previous core breathing clinics we have done in the past.

  • These clinics will be focused around our WOD class times in January at 9 am and 11 am.

  • Check out their site to learn more about how Forward Spine & Sport can help you!

KSCF Notes



AMRAP 4 Mins

Buy-In: 25 Burpees

10 Hang DB Snatch/arm (55/40)

18 Box Jumps (24/20)

Max Push Press (95/65)

rest 4 mins

AMRAP 4 Mins

Buy-In: 20 Burpees

10 Hang DB Snatch/arm

15 Box Jumps

Max Push Press (115/75)

rest 4 mins

AMRAP 4 Mins

Buy-In: 15 Burpees

10 Hang DB Snatch/arm

12 Box Jumps

Max Push Press (135/95)

rest 4 mins

AMRAP 4 Mins

Buy-In: 10 Burpees

10 Hang DB Snatch/arm

9 Box Jumps

Max Push Press (155/105)

L3: 50/35 DB, 75/55, 95/65, 115/75, 135/95

L2: 45/30 DB, 65/45, 75/55, 95/65, 115/85

L1: 40/25 DB, 65/45, 75/55, 95/65, 105/75

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