Thanksgiving Schedule
Our Schedule this week has a few changes. You can see these changes via our live schedule. Our CAC hours are below so you know when the box is ready for Open Gym.

This Week of Programming
Wed: Lots of Snatch strength. "Annie"
Thu: Thanksgiving WOD
Fri: Accessory Strength and short AMRAP
KSCF Notes
Track your health and recovery with our KSCF WHOOP team here
Shoe Donations. Bring in your used shoes to drop-off outside our box.
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf
Muscle-Up Drills
Weighted Ring Rows
4 sets of 6
AMRAP 15 mins
*Increase reps by 2 every Round
2 Muscle-Ups
4 Wall Balls (20/14)
6 Cal Row/Bike/Ski
L3: 50/35
L2: 45/30
L1: 40/25