This Week's Regimen
Tu: Interval WOD w/ Snatches
W: Jerks, Short WOD
Th: Front Squat
F: Deadlift
KSCF Notes
New KSCF Schedule will START THIS WEEK!!! Saturday morning has a 9 am & 10 am class this week and morning classes have been changed for next week
KSCFaceOff IV will be held on February 22nd, 2020 starting at 9 am!
Evening classes will be modified in the near future once we lay out our coaching schedule.
Strict HSPU
10 mins to drill Strict HSPU strength
"Rags 2 Rinds"
Complete for time
50 Wall Balls (20/14)
40 Calorie Row
30 Deadlifts (245/155)
40 Mt Climbers
50 Alternating DB Snatch (50/35)
Time Cap = 16 minutes
L3: 20/14, 225/135, 45/30
L2: 14/10, 205/115, 40/25
L1: 14/10, 185/95, 35/20