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Monday, March 11th, 2024 WOD

March Member of the Month

Jimmy, ARJUN, and Sid

If you haven't looked at the whiteboard in the box then you can find our March MOM here. Take the time to recognize Arjun Baghela who has earned the acknowledgement.

You can most often find Arjun in our 7:15 am classes. He has become one of our catalyst members who has rebuilt our 7 am crew. Arjun will always be found asking sound questions or keeping the group hip with his musical requests. As he has developed his training adaptions he has also been adding more work outside the class setting in order to improve his overall wellness and fitness. If you are fortunate enough to workout with Arjun you'll be glad you did. Learn more about him below.

Hello fellow Kendall Square CrossFitters,

I'm Arjun Baghela, and I'm excited to be named the March Member of the Month.

Before joining KSCF, I wasn't much into sports or consistent gym routines. I have generally struggled to find physical activities I enjoyed and could stick with. Discovering CrossFit community and enjoying the WODs has been incredibly positive for me. During my OnRamp in April 2023, I clearly remember seeing someone effortlessly climbing a rope in a matter of seconds. I was really impressed and it inspired me to sign up. Since then I have conquered the rope climb! Although, what keeps me committed to CrossFit is the many moves I have yet to master. One of my current goals is to achieve muscle ups this year. This may be a lofty goal considering I only just started doing pull-ups, but with the encouragement of my fellow 7:15am’ers and the coaches, I’m confident I'll get there.

My favourite WODs usually involve squats and cleans, while I'm not at all fond of lunges (I can’t help but occasionally stop before my front foot crosses the line!).

I usually opt for a post-WOD meal of Greek yogurt and/or eggs, depending on whether I'm working from home or in the office. I've come to realize that diet is just as important as physical activity for seeing improvements in my body, so I'm striving to eat better and more mindfully this year. But for me, this appears to be harder than most WODs!

Outside of CrossFit, my days are pretty routine. I work as a scientist at a pharmaceutical company here in Kendall Square. Beyond that, I watch a lot television, read, and spend time with friends and family over dinner and drinks.

I look forward to getting to know more of you in the box, and here's to all of us achieving our PRs!


This Week of Programming

  • Tue: Bench then Thruster WOD

  • Wed: Accessory Strength and interval conditioning

  • Thu: Partner or Team WOD

  • Fri: Friday Night Lights & 24.3 Open WOD and then Axe Throwing!

KSCF Notes


"Jungle Juice"

AMRAP 12 mins

50' DB Walking Lunge

7 Ring Muscle-Ups

10 DB Cleans

Rx: 50/35

L3: 45/30

L2: 40/25

L1: 35/20


Complete the following complex for max load:

1 deadlift

1 clean

1 hang clean

1 jerk

Time begins immediately following the AMRAP

Time cap: 10 mins

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