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Thursday, March 31st, 2022 WOD

KSCF Face Off Episode 5

Next Saturday the 9th of April we will have over 20 KSCFam and athletes competing in our in-house competition on our KSCF floor. This has been a great event over the last many years and it shows different sides of our comrades and fellow athletes that have strengthened our bonds. Come check out the athletes, bring your friends and family over to check out the event. Any guests can come in for free to hang out in the box.

This Week's Programming

  • Fri: Bench Press 1 RM

KSCF Notes

  • KSCFaceOff will be held on April 9th starting at 9 am.

  • Shoe Donations. Bring in your used shoes to drop-off outside our box.

  • Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf

The First Ever KSCF Face Off


Rope Climbs


Pendlay Rows



"Grip Tripper"

AMRAP 10 mins

9 Deadlift (245/165)

6 Burpee Over Bar

9 Toes To Bar

18/15 Cal Row

L3: 225/155

L2: 205/135

L1: 185/115

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