1 Rep Max Testing Cycle
Over the next 2-3 weeks we will be testing our 1 Rep Max to use in our future strength cycles. If you are unable to make it to the classes where we test these 1 RMs I strongly recommend you take time to test these on your own. Below are some bullets to help guide when you test in the Box on your own.
Use 15-20 mins to find your 1 RM
You can complete as many weighted warm-up sets as you'd like but all sets should be building up to 1 RM. Start the working clock during these warm-up sets.
Use large jumps after your first 2-3 warm-up sets to get up to a challenging weight before you make smaller weight jumps.
Warm-up rep sets: 8-5-4-3-1-1-1... (these reps also depend on what the movement is. Harder compound movement = lower rep warm-up sets)
When getting close to your max, make sure you take no more than 3-4 attempts as your Nervous System takes on a lot of stress when attempting to find a max on the compound lifts.
This Week's Programming
Wed: Back Squat & Press 1 RM Test
Thu: Snatch 1 RM test
Fri: Interval WOD
KSCF Notes
Weightlifting classes are back on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Track your health and recovery with our KSCF WHOOP team here
Shoe Donations. Bring in your used shoes to drop-off outside our box.
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .

Kipping and MU Drills
EMOTM for 6 mins
Max Kipping Pull-up Variation (no more than 7-10)
*Or an alternative Gymnastics movement.
"14.4 Simplified"
AMRAP 12 mins
60-calorie row
50 toes-to-bars
100 Double Unders
30 cleans (135/95)
20 muscle-ups