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Tuesday, January 31st, 2021 WOD

1 Rep Max Testing Cycle

Over the next 2-3 weeks we will be testing our 1 Rep Max to use in our future strength cycles. If you are unable to make it to the classes where we test these 1 RMs I strongly recommend you take time to test these on your own. Below are some bullets to help guide when you test in the Box on your own.

  • Use 15-20 mins to find your 1 RM

  • You can complete as many weighted warm-up sets as you'd like but all sets should be building up to 1 RM. Start the working clock during these warm-up sets.

  • Use large jumps after your first 2-3 warm-up sets to get up to a challenging weight before you make smaller weight jumps.

  • Warm-up rep sets: 8-5-4-3-1-1-1... (these reps also depend on what the movement is. Harder compound movement = lower rep warm-up sets)

  • When getting close to your max, make sure you take no more than 3-4 attempts as your Nervous System takes on a lot of stress when attempting to find a max on the compound lifts.

This Week's Programming

  • Wed: Back Squat & Press 1 RM Test

  • Thu: Snatch 1 RM test

  • Fri: Interval WOD

KSCF Notes


Kipping and MU Drills


EMOTM for 6 mins

Max Kipping Pull-up Variation (no more than 7-10)

*Or an alternative Gymnastics movement.


"14.4 Simplified"

AMRAP 12 mins

60-calorie row

50 toes-to-bars

100 Double Unders

30 cleans (135/95)

20 muscle-ups

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