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Friday, April 2nd, 2021 WOD

April Member of the Month

This month our long time member, huge community contributor, and local business owner, William Kovel is being recognized as our Member of the Month!

William is generally in our noon classes. You may not know Will is there as he's not as loud as your head coach, but he is a big part of what KSCF lunch classes and the whole community is. Will's restaurant, Catalyst, is on Main Street in Kendall Square. He and his amazing team has been there to support KSCF during our Winter FaceOff's as well as giving us a place to gather as a team post-workout after the CrossFit Open.

If you see William in class take a moment and give him a high-five. Or, visit his incredible team at Catalyst here and stop by on the corner of Main Street and Technology Square. They reopen in a month on May 3rd. CAN"T WAIT!!!

Learn a bit about Will...

My athletic background was always centered around sports when I was a kid. I started wrestling in the eighth grade and continued throughout high school. Wrestling is a team sport, but also an individual sport. I think that is why I enjoy Crossfit so much, it pushes you as an athlete and you have to put in the work.

I started CrossFit in 2018, I was a member of a boxing gym, and wanted to continue training at a high-intensity level, I looked around for boxes and found Kendall Square, which was near work so I signed up blindly. I remember my on-ramp, trying a handstand push up and nearly killing myself. It was a good piece of humble pie.

My Favorite WODS... I like trying the hero workouts or long brutal ones. There is something about testing yourself at that intensity for a longer workout,

Least Favorite movement... Thrusters, they completely gas me out. close second burpees over the box, or bar.

I try to eat clean, I usually do the noon class and I have lunch afterward. Diet and recovery are a huge part of Crossfit for me, learning to listen to my body and resting and not overtraining.

My hobbies.. always tend to be around food since I am a chef. I have a big garden where I grow heirloom Vegetables during the summer, Anything with fishing too, just got into fly fishing. I love teaching our employees hospitality and watching them grow.

KSCF is great because you are working out with a group of highly motivated individuals, it's inspiring. Everyone pushes each other. I have surprised myself at the things I have been able to do and it is amazing seeing others accomplish things they have worked on.

KSCF Notes

  • Sunday morning 10 am classes are back!

  • Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .


Complete 4 GIANT Sets

I) Rear ft Elevated Split Squat: 5

II) BB Rollouts: 6-10

III) Prone Military Press: 8-12


"Live Easy"

Complete 5 Rounds

3 DB Manmakers (50/35)

100' Farmer's Carry

*Every time DBs are put down during Farmer's Walk, complete 1 min Wall Sit

**10-min cap

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