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Friday, December 11th, 2020 WOD

KSCF Member of the Month is BACK!!

As 2020 has been a challenging year for so many, we wanted to finish the year out on a high and positive note. We brought back Member of the Month (finally) and one of our longest tenured members' has finally been nominated by the KSCF coaches.

Our December Member of the Month is Das!! You'll find Das at our lunchtime classes and at our community events (when we can safely hold them again) cheering his fellow athletes on. Here's a little bit about our December MOM.

What is your athletic background?

None. I was that nerd, more comfortable in the chess club than outdoors playing sport :)

How did you find CrossFit?

A coworker introduced me to it in 2009. I was already a CAC member doing the usual cardio/upper body/lower body splits. The first WOD I tried was Cindy and it crushed me, and I was hooked. There weren't any boxes around at the time, so I used a corner of the gym. I survived lots of stares and the occasional complaint from other CAC members.

What is your Favorite WOD?

Can't say I have a favorite but I enjoy WODs that combine bodyweight movements with barbell cycling, like "The Chief" and "Diane".

What is your least favorite movement?

Thrusters (and wallballs) - they suck!

What do you consume Post-WOD for recovery?

A protein shake (homemade cashew milk and Optimum Gold whey) - pre and post-WOD. I'm sure there's plenty of room for improvement in this area.

What are your hobbies outside of CrossFit

Playing the guitar, singing, home bartending, traveling (it's always fun to visit a local box and experience different programming).

Do you have any specific goals you are trying to attain?

I have a bunch of gymnastics movements that I'm working on - pistols, free-handing handstands, bar muscle-ups, etc. I also want to incorporate a strength program in 2021.

Send along your favorite fitness photo if you have one.

I'm sure you have better photos than me. :)

KSCF Notes


Power Cleans

1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Power Clean

Every 90 seconds for 12 mins

(first set @ 60% 1 RM Clean)


"Pump Ave"


Ring Dips

Ring Rows

Deadlifts (225/155)

L3: 205/135

L2: 185/115

L1: 155/95

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