KSCF Notes
Pride Month WOD coming in June!!! Stay tuned...
Check out Catalyst Restaurant this week and fuel for "Murph"
Shoe Donations. Bring in your used shoes to drop-off outside our box.
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .

In 13 mins, find heavy complex
1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean
For Time:
1 Toes to Bar, 10 Power Cleans
2 Toes to Bar, 9 Power Cleans
3 Toes to Bar, 8 Power Cleans
4 Toes to Bar, 7 Power Cleans
5 Toes to Bar, 6 Power Cleans
6 Toes to Bar, 5 Power Cleans
7 Toes to Bar, 4 Power Cleans
8 Toes to Bar, 3 Power Cleans
9 Toes to Bar, 2 Power Cleans
10 Toes to Bar, 1 Power Cleans
Rx – 70% 1 RM PC
L3: 65% 1 RM PC
L2: 60% 1 RM PC
L1: 55% 1 RM PC