"SC Saturday" (-Coach Neddy) Sending Off WOD
This Saturday Neddy wants to give all you high-level KSCFam a fun endurance WOD before he goes back under the knife for knee surgery. Sign-up to have some Soulful fun this Saturday.
KSCF Notes
MASK MANDATE is in effect. Please wear a mask
Check out Catalyst Restaurant
Shoe Donations. Bring in your used shoes to drop-off outside our box.
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .
"Soft Tacos"
Russian KBS
Alt. Goblet Reverse Lunge
Rx: 53/35
L3: 44/26
L2: 35/18
L1: 26/10
Complete 4 GIANT Sets
I) Weighted Push-Ups: 5 reps
II) GHD or Weighted Sit-ups: 6-10
III) Strict Ring Dips: 5
IV) DB Lateral Raise: 10