Happy New Year!!
Today the facility hours are 10 am until 4 pm. This means our class schedule has been modified if you haven't seen over the last couple of weeks. We will be back to regularly scheduled programming as of Jan 3rd and your morning time coach will not miss the classes.
This month into February we will prepare to move closer to our 1 RM testing either in Feb or March. We will will also move programming into CrossFit Open preparation as well as move deeper into "Murph" focused WODs. All these will also progress into our sixth KSCF FaceOff episode in middle to late March. Keep your eyes peeled for more information coming at'chya soon.
This Week's Programming
Tue: Cleans w/Rope Climb skill work
Wed: Rowing & Step-Ups
Thu: HS work and Sumo DL Strength
Fri: Strict DB Press
KSCF Notes
Weightlifting classes are back on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Track your health and recovery with our KSCF WHOOP team here
Shoe Donations. Bring in your used shoes to drop-off outside our box.
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .
"2023 Goal Partner"
working w/ a partner one at a time, complete for time:
2023 m Bike/Row
20 DB Snatch (45/30)
23 Burpees
20 Deadlifts (275/195)
23 Ring Rows
20 HuManmakers (45/30)
23 Pull-Ups
20 Deadlifts (275/195)
23 Box Jump Overs (30/24)
1012 m Bike/Row
*No more than 500m at a time per partner