This Week's Programming
Tue: Back Squats
Wed: Cleans
Thu: Bench Press
Fri: Deadlifts
KSCF Notes
Pride & Juneteenth WOD, June 18th at 10 am
Shoe Donations. Bring in your used shoes to drop-off outside our box.
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .
Kipping Drills
3 sets of:
3-5 Strict Pull ups w/5 sec pause at the top
3-5 Strict dips
3-5 Strict T2B
"Ghost Pepper"
AMRAP 12 minutes
5 Devil's Press
10 Toes To Bar
5 DB Snatch/Arm
*After each round, 55 Double Unders
Rx: 50/35
L3: 45/30
L2: 40/25
L1: 35/20