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Monday, March 6th, 2023 WOD

March Member of the Month

Our newest MOM for the month of March is Darren Ranck. Darren has been with KSCF since 2018 and has grown with us over the last 4-plus years. He's always been a big part of our classes by helping us coaches out, adding to our community with his friendly chatty and fun spirit, as well as his timely sarcasm to those coaches who need it (mostly me 0:). Darren has helped KSCF's mission by supporting our community with these character traits and now has the recognition as our MOM.

You can find Darren mostly in our 5:15 pm classes and at our community events. Be sure to ask him any questions you need to know about Philadelphia or if you want to know some good Texas-style recipes. Learn more about Darren below.

Growing up I tried playing ice hockey and soccer, but as someone dealing with asthma, I eventually switched to tennis because it was easier on my lungs. I found I loved tennis, though, because it was a game of endurance and strategy. I played on my high school team all four years and played Varsity my junior and senior year. In and after college I mostly stuck to running and tried to weight train using programs I found online, but I never knew if I was doing them right and just didn't feel the rush I wanted to feel after exercising. I read about CrossFit in a magazine and thought it sounded like something I wanted to try. I first tried CrossFit after moving back to Boston in 2014 and loved the intensity of it and the challenge of it. Following a surgical procedure I took a couple of years off before a good friend introduced me to KSCF where he had been training for about a year. I love that KSCF is supportive, friendly, and focuses on growth when a lot of other boxes can feel very intimidating, and that's kept me around through the years.

My favorite WODs are interval-style WODs that bring lifting and cardio together and then give you time to catch your breath and hit it again, but I also really enjoy the grind and reward of Murph. Also a big fan of 1-rep max testing. My least favorite movement is muscle ups, but only because it's the last big one I've yet to accomplish - I'm getting there slowly but surely. Post-WOD I always have a protein shake and usually have dinner waiting for me when I get home. Outside of CrossFit, I love going to movies and doing my own writing - mostly personal essays. Also really enjoy cooking and trying new recipes. You can also catch me biking all around Cambridge/Somerville/Boston, especially when the weather gets nice. My specific fitness goals are to really just keep improving and building on the foundations of CrossFit. There are some movements that I originally thought I would just never get or a weight on some lifts that I thought was the final threshold, but I've surprised myself by challenging myself and pushing myself to grow with encouragement from the coaching staff and fellow athletes. Less exciting but still necessary, I want to improve the mobility in my hamstrings and ankles, so I can row and double under without it looking like so much work!

Our MOM, Darren 💁‍♂️


For those who have signed up for the Open and completed the workout, DO NOT FORGET TO SUBMIT YOUR SCORE BEFORE 8 PM TONIGHT.

This Week's Programming

  • Tue: Back Squat

  • Wed: Murph WOD

  • Thu: Z & Push Press

  • Fri: Open Program that is open to requests

KSCF Notes


Clean + Hang Clean + Clean

In 16 minutes finding heavy complex weight for:

3 sets

  • 2+2+1

4 sets

  • 1+1+1


"Maple Syrup"


Burpee BJO (24/20)

Toes To Bar

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