This Week's Programming
Tue: Snatch
Wed: Only Murph Prep
Thu: Deadlifts
Fri: Kipping and DB Strict Press
KSCF Notes
Monday, May 30th we'll be performing our "Murph" workout.
Shoe Donations. Bring in your used shoes to drop-off outside our box.
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .

Bench Press
3 sets of 5 @70-75%
*On reps 1&2, 4 sec eccentric phase then complete remaining reps as normal
4 sets of 3 @80%
*Normal reps
"Wet Noodles"
AMRAP 12 Minutes
10 OHS
12 Toes to Bar
10 Bar Over Burpee
Rx: 115/75
L3: 95/65
L2: 75/55
L1: 55/35