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Monday, May 8th, 2023 WOD

May Member of the Month

We bring May flowers with our Hawaai'i (just learned this is the proper keyboard spelling) homeland member, Erin Voss. Erin decided to come to the exceptional East Coast during the Covid shutdown because she loves Winter and heard about inspiring KSCFam 😉

Erin has become an integral part of our community since she got here. She has been a consistent participant within our classes when she's not going back West. The resilience she shows inside each workout shows her deep inner drive. Although she's hard nosed, she's always so personable with people who come into the box like a blooming Spring New England flower. If you see Erin at the earl 6 am classes or on a #SCS workout, be sure to send your love.

Growing up I did mostly water sports including swimming (free and back) and water polo. I was an outside attacker since I was fast relative to the other players. It was a nice change from swimming where it's just you and your thoughts. WaPo is also aggresive and I love it. I started crossfit right after graduating college. I had read about it and was looking for a new challenge, even though I had never been a fan of group exercise classes. I love the community aspect and have found great friends at all the different gyms I've been to. Love the Big Booty 6am crew <3 It's also fun to visit gyms around the world. (Got my first HSPU in Paris, but probably due to an adrenaline rush since I was already the silly American who didn't speak French.) I love chippers, ladders, and anything with rope climbs. Since I swam mid-distance, I'm pretty good at conserving energy and grinding through long workouts. My least favourite movements are anything lunge related; too much glute activation and coordination required. Post wod in the mornings I'll have a green smoothie with protein powder and flax or chia seeds. Though if I'm in Hawai'i, an acai bowl is definitely just as refreshing.

Outside of crossfit I love all things beach and ocean related. I'm freedive and scuba certified and often go out diving with my friend who is a shark influencer. During the pandemic, I got into open water swimming and found a group of retirees that swim in the bay near my house. It's always fun to keep a count of the honu (green sea turtles) we see on our swim! I hope to get back into backpacking once I finish school and explore the California landscape. In terms of specific goals, I'm working on strict HSPU and getting my squat numbers up. Also focusing on PT to hopefully go on some short runs by the end of the year.

I'm super grateful for the KSCF community as it has truly helped me stay sane during pandemic times and grad school. Thank you to all the members and coaches for making me feel welcome over the years!

This Week's Programming

  • Tue: Murph

  • Wed: Deadlift

  • Thu: Front Squat

  • Fri: Interval WOD

KSCF Notes


Split Jerk

Jerk Balance from split: 4 sets of 3

Split Jerk



"Dead Leg"

AMRAP 5 mins


Calorie Row

Box Jump Overs (24/20)

rest 5 mins

AMRAP 4 mins


Calorie Row

Box Jump Overs (24/20)

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