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Thursday, August 4th, 2022 WOD

The CrossFit Games have started and now is a great time to shop for any new gear you may be looking for. During the Games season many companies offer discounts off of their products. RPM is discounting 20% off all their products making it a great time to buy your own jump rope or upgrade to these high quality ropes. If you're looking for new workout shoes we have a coupon you can use that will give you 50% off when you shop at the Reebok HQ store. Send Jared an email and he can forward you the pdf.

Who doesn't love new workout gear to feel like you're crushing the WOD just a bit faster than you did the day before?!?

This Week's Programming

  • Fri: Interval WOD

KSCF Notes

  • Shoe Donations. Bring in your used shoes to drop-off outside our box.

  • Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .


Clean Complex

Clean DL + Hang Power Clean + Clean + Front Squat

  • 3 sets of 3 reps

Clean + 2 Hang Cleans

  • 3-4 sets


"Bad Apple"


Push Jerk

Back Squat

Time Cap = 11 mins

Rx: 135/95

L3: 115/85

L2: 95/65

L1: 75/55

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