KSCF notes:
This Saturday, December 7th: KSCF BoxGiving. We'll be completing an endurance WOD, having a Potluck with our own KSCFam bringing some cooked goods, Athlete Brewing bringing some NA post-workout beer, and a White Elephant gift exchange. Check your emails to get back and update our Potluck and gift list.
February, 2020: KSCFaceOff 4!!!

Back Squats
Complete 9 Sets of 3 @ 75%
- Every 90 seconds complete a set
"Oil Can"
Complete 10 Rounds
3 Back Squats
2 Push Jerk
1 Hang Power Clean
Rx: 185/115
L3: 155/105
L2: 135/95
L1: 115/75