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Thursday, March 10th, 2022 WOD

22.3 (and 4??) Friday Night Lights After Party

This Friday, after likely our longest Open WOD, we'll share our workout stories and eat some incredible locally sourced food at Catalyst. Catalyst is a large part of our Kendall Square community, is owned and operated by our longtime member, Chef William Kovel and they will be preparing food for our KSCFam.

We'll head over after everyone is done their workout and cleaned up sometime after 8 pm. Bring your friends, family, and an appetite to celebrate the completion of the 2022 CrossFit Open.

This Week's Programming

  • Fri: 22.3 Final Open WOD

KSCF Notes


In Teams of 3:

1200m Ski

50 Box Step Overs (24/20)

40 Cal Row

50 Push-Ups

40 Burpees

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