Be smart today with respect to planning out how much intensity you give in today's workout. If you're planning to complete 21.2 on Friday you will want to have your Central Nervous System and musculature recovered and ready.
21.2 announcement coming tonight at 8 pm EST. Check out the live feed here.
This Week's Programming
Fri: CF Open 21.2 WOD
KSCF Notes
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .
10-12 mins drilling Opportunities of Improvement
Workout A
2k Row
3 Rounds
9 Deadlifts (Empty Bar)
6 Hang Power Cleans
3 Push Jerk
*every time the bar is put down during these 3 Rounds, 5 Burpees over the bar
Workout B
800m Run
AMRAP 9 mins
2 Wall Walks
10 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
12 Alternating Goblet Step-ups (20/20)
800m Run