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Thursday May 14th, 2020 AT-Home WOD

KSCF Notes

  • We just sent an email out Wednesday updating our added Zoom WOD classes and the links to find them. Check your emails or find the WODs and Links on our FB Group Page

  • Find our Community Whiteboard here!. BW and at-home programming.

  • We are also having a #SweatySelfie contest. Post your workout or post-workout vids/pics and tag our handle with the proper hashtags and get credit on our Whiteboard.

  • Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf . We will be posting a lot more content during this time period so all understand how to complete each movement.

  • "Murph" Memorial Day WOD at KSCF (hopefully)

At-Home WOD

"Tank Tops"

EMOTM for 20-mins

Min 1: 10 Alt. Pistol Squats

2: 12 Bent Over DB Rows

3: 5 Tempo Push-Ups (3-5s down and up) + 20 DB Skull Crushers (using 1 DB)

4: 5 Tempo DB Curls/arm (curl up at normal pace and lower for 3-5/rep)

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