1 RM Testing
We will be conducting 1 RM tests over the next several weeks. We will be finding these numbers to use moving forward so we can use a percentage of these numbers to build our overall strength. If you are not able to make it into a class, we strongly recommend you take the time to find these numbers out on your own. If you are unaware as to how to find your 1 RM send an email out to a coach.
Tu: Press
W: Interval WOD day
Th: Bench Press
Fr: Snatch
KSCF Notes
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .
Bench Press
In 15 mins find 1 RM Bench Press
"Crab Walk"
Complete 4 Rounds
6 Strict Ring Dips
12 Alt.Lateral Lunges (40/30)
6 BB Ab Rollouts
L3: 35/25
L2: 30/20
L1: 25/15