12-Days of Fitness WOD
We posted in our private FB group about our (non-pandemic) annual 12-days of Fitness workout. This year it's short notice but we want to get our members together to celebrate the season and get a nice long hard workout in. Keep an eye on your email inbox or join in to help decide in our FB group. We'll be finalizing soon and sending an email out.
This Week's Programming
Wed: Interval WOD
Thu: Clean & Jerk
Fri: Open Strength day undetermined
KSCF Notes
MASK MANDATE is in effect. Please wear a mask
Check out Catalyst Restaurant
Shoe Donations. Bring in your used shoes to drop-off outside our box.
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .

Complete 3 Max Effort Sets
I) Strict HSPU
II) Strict Pull-Ups
III) Strict Ring Dips
Then, Complete 1 max Rep kipping set of each
"Hot Diggety Dog"
AMRAP 9 minutes
6 Hang Squat Clean (165/105)
12 Burpees Over the Bar
*If the bar is dropped during a set of cleans, 1 Bear Complex must be completed before continuing on.
Bear Complex: 1 Clean+1 Front Squat+1 Push Jerk+1 Back Squat+1 Push Jerk (no Thrusters allowed)