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Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020 WOD

1 RM testing Procedure

For those of you who may be unable to make a 1 RM session or feel it works better for you at an alternate time other than what we do in the box, check out some basic guidelines to follow when testing on your own.

  • First, be safe and be sure not to push beyond your capabilities or proficiency when testing your max especially when by yourself.

  • After a quality topical warm-up of 10-20 mins, be sure your body is mobilized and ready to take the loads.

  • If you know your previous 1 RM, you'll want to work in 8-12% jumps when warming up until you get to 85-90% of your previous 1 RM. Sets of 5 down to 3 or singles as the weights get heavier should be sufficient.

  • If you don't know your 1 RM, think of building in weight over 5 warm-up sets of 5-3-3-1-1.

  • Once you've made it to the heavier sets of 1, from there you should make 3 attempts at a new 1 RM. After 3 your Central Nervous System will become tired and the percentage of success rates lower. If you hit a new PR on the first attempt you can stop there or keep going for heavier weights over the next 2 attempts.

  • Be Technical, Get Stronger!!

1 RM Testing Schedule

This week we will begin testing our 1 RM in various lifts. This will progress over a period of several weeks. PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO FIND YOUR 1 RM SO YOU CAN USE THESE IN OUR FUTURE PROGRAMMING.

Wed: Jerk 1 RM

Th: Deadlift 1 RM

Fr: Bench Press 1 RM

KSCF Notes

  • This Saturday we will begin our member-led skills sessions!! 11 am on Saturday will be a rowing session led by Neeko. Check our private FB group or the whiteboard in the box to learn more.

  • Evening classes will be modified in the near future once we lay out our coaching schedule.

Is this Pre-Open smiles or Post?!?


Complete 5 rounds

400 m Run

15 Ring Rows

12 Back Squats (135/95)

10/7 Push-Ups

*Wear 20/14# vest if possible

*30-min Cap

L3: Vest, 115/75

L2: No vest, 135/95

L1: No vest, 95/65

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