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Tuesday, November 28th, 2023 WOD

12 Days of Fitness

Dear KSCFam,

We've sent multiple emails out discussing the 12-days of Fitness workout and post-WOD potluck and Yankee Swap. The spreadsheet discussing who plans to bring what food was shared as well. Unfortunately, there are only 2 people who have responded to spreadsheet thus far over the last 3-weeks. LET'S BUILD THIS KSCF Family and get YOU, our members to come hang and have some fun at the box. You can bring your friends and family to the event that is free to attend and join on the fun.

The workout design and format is based on the song 12-Days of Christmas. It's an endurance but fun challenge that will test your work capacity and make all the Potluck food worth it. Join us and be a part of what, pre-shutdown, used to be one of our bigger events of the year.

This Week's Programming

  • Wed: Clusters and a buy-in running WOD

  • Thu: Interval WOD

  • Fri: Lunge Strength and medium length WOD

KSCF Notes


I) Strict Pull-Ups: 5x3

II) Ring Rows: 3x8


"Will You?"

Complete 5 Rounds

9 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

12 Sit-Ups

15/12 Calorie Row

*Time Cap: 14 mins

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