Used or New Shoe Donations
This week we have a couple of boxes for us to donate our used or new shoes to people in underprivileged areas of the World. These shoes need to still be in usable condition. Feel free to drop the pair of shoes off in the box by the KSCF entrance or by the hand sanitizer of the lobby of CAC. #payingitforward
This Week's Programming
Wed: Kipping Drills
Thu: Endurance Murph Prep
Fri: Press Strength and short WOD
KSCF Notes
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .

Kipping Drills
"Dear Diary"
AMRAP 10 mins
Box Jumps
Deadlifts (205/145)
1-arm Devils Press (50/35)
L3: 185/125-45/30
L2: 165/105-40/25
L3: 135/85-35/20