This Week's Programming
Thu: Long Murph-Prep
Fri: Unplanned Open Programming
KSCF Notes
Monday, May 30th we'll be performing our "Murph" workout.
Shoe Donations. Bring in your used shoes to drop-off outside our box.
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .

Clean & Jerk
Complete the following complex for 4x1+1:
- Jerk (Split Jerk if able to) + BTN Jerk
Clean & Jerk
- 3x2 @ 75%
"Be a Beach or Ride the Wave"
Complete 4 Rounds
21 Double Unders
14 Deadlifts
7 Toes to Bar
*Every 90 Seconds, 2 Power Snatch
*DL and Snatch weight are the same
Rx: 70% 1 RM
L3: 65%
L2: 60%
L1: 55%