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Wednesday, November 25th, 2020 WOD

Help Keep Our Box Open!!!

As the COVID infection rates continue to climb across Massachusetts and the globe, it has caused concern to close businesses down where people can gather. Over the last couple of weeks, the Cambridge City Council has proposed a policy to close indoor dining, gyms, casinos, and other non-essential indoor activities as soon as possible. Fortunately, the City Council does not have the power to do so, however, they plan to adopt this policy and send it to the City Manager's office and the Mayor. Simply, this means we would no longer be open for the time period in which they decide.

Here is where our voice needs to be heard as people of the Cambridge Community. Below, I'll list contact email addresses to the City Manager and the Mayor's office to voice your concerns. Also, I will post some links showing various studies discussing how gyms are NOT a primary location where COVID is being spread. Please take a few minutes to share why our community and workout environment should remain open and why you continue to workout at KSCF.

This Week's Programming

  • Thu: 10 am class only, "Thanksgiving With the Girls" WOD

  • Fri: 12 pm class only

KSCF Notes

  • Thanksgiving schedule change This week. Take a look at our live schedule to get yourself up to date!

  • Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .


Strict Press

Every Minute On The Minute

Mins 1-3: 3 reps @70%

Min 4: rest

Min 5-7: 2 @ ~80%



On the 4:00 x 4 Rounds:

15 Kettlebell Sumo DL High Pull (53/35)

12 KB Snatch (6/arm) (53/35)


L3: 44/26, 95/65

L2: 35/18, 75/55

L1: 26/18, 65/45

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