KSCF Notes
Next week we will test our 1 Rep Maxes and this will continue over 2-3 weeks. We are going to use these numbers and implement much more percentage work with our day-to-day programming. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND TESTING AND KNOWING THESE NUMBERS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE.
Evening classes will be modified in the near future once we lay out our coaching schedule.

I) BB Bench: 5-5-3-3-3-3-2
II) Strict Ring Dips: 4 ME sets (no more than 10 reps)
"Dead Ball"
Complete 5 Rounds
Every 3 minutes
4 Deadlifts (% Based on 1 RM, 60,65,70,75,80)
8 Box Jumps (20/24)
12 Wall Balls (30/20)